
IX-F ID Name City Country Last updated API Traffic MANRS # of ASNs
40 BIX.BG (BIX.BG - Bulgarian Internet eXchange) Sofia BG 2024-12-13 10:11:59 UTC 116
436 EPIX Warsaw (e-Poludnie Internet Exchange) Warsaw PL 2024-12-20 1:07:43 UTC 504
37 InterLAN Internet Exchange (Interlan IX) Bucharest RO 2024-12-22 3:17:26 UTC 137
15 NIX.CZ (NIX.CZ, z.s.p.o.) Praha 3 CZ 2024-12-20 11:02:32 UTC 202
552 NIX.SK (NIX.CZ, z.s.p.o. organizacna zlozka) Praha 3 SK 2024-12-22 3:17:27 UTC 63
89 SIX Bratislava (Slovak Internet eXchange Bratislava) Bratislava SK 2024-11-13 19:02:34 UTC 65

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