
IX-F ID Name City Country Last updated API Traffic MANRS # of ASNs
586 AKL-IX (New Zealand Internet Exchange, Auckland) Auckland NZ 2024-06-26 2:06:03 UTC 101
852 CHC-IX (New Zealand Internet Exchange, Christchurch) Christchurch NZ 2024-06-26 2:06:10 UTC 16
572 IX-AKL (Auckland IX) Auckland NZ 2024-07-02 16:04:50 UTC 91
394 NSW-IX (IX Australia (Sydney NSW)) Sydney AU 2024-06-26 6:04:55 UTC 223
148 SIX Seattle (Seattle Internet Exchange (MTU 1500)) Seattle US 2024-06-28 16:02:35 UTC 373
1392 WLG-IX (New Zealand Internet Exchange, Wellington) Wellington NZ 2024-06-26 2:06:11 UTC 19

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