
IX-F ID Name City Country Last updated API Traffic MANRS # of ASNs
2 AMS-IX Amsterdam NL 2024-12-21 13:18:27 UTC 883
9 FRA (DE-CIX Frankfurt) Frankfurt am Main DE 2024-12-21 13:18:28 UTC 1083
44 JPIX - Tokyo (Japan Internet Exchange - Tokyo) Tokyo JP 2024-12-21 13:18:24 UTC 131
1 LINX LON1 (LINX LON1) London GB 2024-12-21 13:18:28 UTC 814
185 TPIX - Taipei (Taipei Internet Exchange) Taipei TW 2019-06-10 11:06:57 UTC 21
113 TWIX - Taipei (Taiwan Internet Exchange) Taipei TW 2024-12-21 13:18:26 UTC 24

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