
IX-F ID Name City Country Last updated API Traffic MANRS # of ASNs
940 ASE (DE-CIX ASEAN) Johor Bahru MY 2024-12-22 5:17:59 UTC 126
522 DataIX Internet Exchange (DataIX Internet Exchange) Amsterdam NL 2024-12-20 16:08:18 UTC 584
841 EdgeIX Melbourne (EdgeIX) Melbourne AU 2024-12-22 5:18:01 UTC 56
840 EdgeIX Sydney (EdgeIX) Sydney AU 2024-12-22 5:18:01 UTC 121
1034 ERA-IX (ERA-IX Amsterdam) NL 2024-04-26 9:06:26 UTC 94
791 IX.br Sao Paulo, SP (SP)) São Paulo BR 2022-08-16 6:03:31 UTC 2413
681 LSIX Netherlands (LayerSwitch Internet Exchange) Amsterdam NL 2024-12-21 19:05:28 UTC 91
740 MCA (MEX-IX McAllen) McAllen US 2024-12-22 5:18:00 UTC 19
164 MINAP (Milan Neutral Access Point) Milano IT 2024-12-22 5:18:00 UTC 94
8 MIX-IT (Milan Internet Exchange) Milano IT 2024-12-22 5:18:01 UTC 394
13 msk-ix (MSK-IX public peering VLAN) Moscow RU 2024-12-22 5:18:02 UTC 448
351 NAPAfrica IX Johannesburg (NAPAfrica) Johannesburg ZA 2024-12-22 5:18:01 UTC 590
394 NSW-IX (IX Australia (Sydney NSW)) Sydney AU 2024-12-19 3:05:18 UTC 216
410 Peering.cz Prague CZ 2023-04-05 9:03:48 UTC 173
761 Piter-IX (Piter-IX) RU 2024-07-19 16:03:37 UTC 534
148 SIX Seattle (Seattle Internet Exchange (MTU 1500)) Seattle US 2024-12-16 20:02:24 UTC 383
898 SpeedIX Internet Exchange (SpeedIX Internet Exchange) NL 2021-09-21 11:04:07 UTC 202

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