
IX-F ID Name City Country Last updated API Traffic MANRS # of ASNs
2 AMS-IX Amsterdam NL 2024-11-03 3:17:19 UTC 888
580 DFW (DE-CIX Dallas) Dallas US 2024-11-03 3:17:17 UTC 155
9 FRA (DE-CIX Frankfurt) Frankfurt am Main DE 2024-11-03 3:17:20 UTC 1084
156 IX.br Curitiba, PR (PR)) Curitiba BR 2021-09-23 8:11:26 UTC 161
497 IX.br Lajeado, RS (LAJ)) Lajeado BR 2021-09-23 8:11:32 UTC 31
158 IX.br Porto Alegre, RS (RS)) Porto Alegre BR 2024-11-01 6:07:15 UTC 356
789 IX.br Santa Maria, RS (RIA)) Santa Maria BR 2021-09-23 8:11:49 UTC 22
791 IX.br Sao Paulo, SP (SP)) São Paulo BR 2022-08-16 6:03:31 UTC 2413
1 LINX LON1 (LINX LON1) London GB 2024-11-03 4:00:06 UTC 818
470 MAD (DE-CIX Madrid) Madrid ES 2024-11-03 3:17:17 UTC 226
559 MRS (DE-CIX Marseille) Marseilles FR 2024-11-03 3:17:17 UTC 123
425 NYC (DE-CIX New York) New York US 2024-11-03 3:17:17 UTC 290
902 ORD (DE-CIX Chicago) Chicago US 2024-11-03 3:17:17 UTC 57

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