
IX-F ID Name City Country Last updated API Traffic MANRS # of ASNs
2 AMS-IX Amsterdam NL 2024-12-22 5:18:02 UTC 883
565 DUS (DE-CIX Dusseldorf) Dusseldorf DE 2024-12-22 5:18:00 UTC 279
9 FRA (DE-CIX Frankfurt) Frankfurt am Main DE 2024-12-22 5:18:02 UTC 1083
752 GR-IX::Athens (Greek Internet Exchange) Athens GR 2024-12-22 5:18:02 UTC 71
340 IX-DUS (Dusseldorf IX) DE 2024-12-22 5:03:40 UTC 111
431 IX-FRA (Frankfurt IX) DE 2024-12-22 5:03:50 UTC 108
1 LINX LON1 (LINX LON1) London GB 2024-12-22 5:18:02 UTC 814
775 LocIX (LOCIX Internet Exchange Frankfurt) Frankfurt 2024-10-27 8:05:32 UTC 314
164 MINAP (Milan Neutral Access Point) Milano IT 2024-12-22 5:18:00 UTC 94
8 MIX-IT (Milan Internet Exchange) Milano IT 2024-12-22 5:18:01 UTC 394
559 MRS (DE-CIX Marseille) Marseilles FR 2024-12-22 5:18:00 UTC 125
17 Namex Roma IXP (Namex IXP) Roma IT 2024-12-22 5:18:02 UTC 246
413 NetIX (NetIX Communications) BG 2024-12-22 5:18:00 UTC 88
27 NL-ix The Hague NL 2024-12-22 5:18:01 UTC 643

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