
IX-F ID Name City Country Last updated API Traffic MANRS # of ASNs
21 BCIX (BCIX Management GmbH) Berlin DE 2024-12-11 7:19:20 UTC 136
1259 FIX Berlin (FIX-Berlin) Berlin DE 2024-06-11 18:05:12 UTC 6
1 LINX LON1 (LINX LON1) London GB 2024-12-11 7:19:22 UTC 815
18 LONAP Network (LONAP Ltd.) London GB 2024-12-11 7:19:19 UTC 289
351 NAPAfrica IX Johannesburg (NAPAfrica) Johannesburg ZA 2024-12-11 7:19:20 UTC 590
27 NL-ix The Hague NL 2024-12-11 7:19:20 UTC 643
761 Piter-IX (Piter-IX) RU 2024-07-19 16:03:37 UTC 534
371 SGIX (Singapore Internet Exchange) Singapore SG 2024-12-11 7:19:17 UTC 268
679 SIX Seattle (Jumbo) (Seattle Internet Exchange (MTU 9000)) Seattle US 2024-12-10 22:02:55 UTC 63
148 SIX Seattle (Seattle Internet Exchange (MTU 1500)) Seattle US 2024-12-10 22:02:17 UTC 382
1225 STUIX (Student & Technology United Internet Exchanges) Taipei City TW 2024-12-11 7:19:18 UTC 111

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