
IX-F ID Name City Country Last updated API Traffic MANRS # of ASNs
586 AKL-IX (New Zealand Internet Exchange, Auckland) Auckland NZ 2024-08-23 0:05:35 UTC 103
2 AMS-IX Amsterdam NL 2025-02-18 15:18:30 UTC 872
619 AMS-IX Mumbai Mumbai IN 2025-02-18 12:00:06 UTC 82
587 Bangkok Neutral Internet Exchange (BKNIX) Bangkok TH 2025-02-18 15:18:29 UTC 63
40 BIX.BG (BIX.BG - Bulgarian Internet eXchange) Sofia BG 2025-02-17 10:07:47 UTC 115
209 Cape Town Internet Exchange Point (INX) Cape Town ZA 2025-02-18 15:18:26 UTC 108
852 CHC-IX (New Zealand Internet Exchange, Christchurch) Christchurch NZ 2024-08-23 0:05:41 UTC 16
634 DE-CIX Mumbai (DE-CIX Interwire Internet Services Pvt Ltd) Mumbai IN 2025-02-18 9:05:52 UTC 308
580 DFW (DE-CIX Dallas) Dallas US 2025-02-18 15:18:27 UTC 154
373 DXB (UAE-IX) Dubai AE 2025-02-18 15:18:27 UTC 108
835 EdgeIX Adelaide (EdgeIX) Adelaide AU 2025-02-18 15:18:28 UTC 34
839 EdgeIX Brisbane (EdgeIX) Brisbane AU 2025-02-18 15:18:29 UTC 43
841 EdgeIX Melbourne (EdgeIX) Melbourne AU 2025-02-18 15:18:29 UTC 56
838 EdgeIX Perth (EdgeIX) Perth AU 2025-02-18 15:18:29 UTC 65
840 EdgeIX Sydney (EdgeIX) Sydney AU 2025-02-18 15:18:29 UTC 125
772 EIX Chennai (Extreme Internet Exchange India) Chennai IN 2025-02-18 15:05:32 UTC 90
683 EIX Delhi (Extreme Internet Exchange India) Delhi IN 2025-02-18 15:04:49 UTC 163
773 EIX Hyderabad (Extreme Internet Exchange India) Hyderabad IN 2025-02-18 15:05:29 UTC 21
771 EIX Kolkata (Extreme Internet Exchange India) Kolkata IN 2025-02-18 15:05:27 UTC 19
694 EIX Mumbai (Extreme Internet Exchange India) Mumbai IN 2025-02-18 15:05:03 UTC 225
9 FRA (DE-CIX Frankfurt) Frankfurt am Main DE 2025-02-18 15:18:30 UTC 1075
20 INEX LAN1 (Internet Neutral Exchange Association Limited by Guarantee) Dublin IE 2025-02-18 15:18:31 UTC 112
572 IX-AKL (Auckland IX) Auckland NZ 2025-02-18 15:02:25 UTC 93
606 IX-BNE (Brisbane IX) Brisbane AU 2025-02-18 15:01:58 UTC 107
650 IX-Denver (Interconnection Exchange Denver) Aurora US 2025-02-18 15:18:27 UTC 80
431 IX-FRA (Frankfurt IX) DE 2025-02-18 15:03:20 UTC 107
563 IX-MEL (Melbourne IX) Melbourne AU 2025-02-18 15:02:07 UTC 149
607 IX-PER (Perth IX) Perth AU 2025-02-18 15:02:47 UTC 61
570 IX-SYD (Sydney IX) Sydney AU 2025-02-18 15:01:31 UTC 279
156 IX.br Curitiba, PR (PR)) Curitiba BR 2021-09-23 8:11:26 UTC 161
159 IX.br Rio de Janeiro, RJ (RJ)) Rio de Janeiro BR 2023-03-07 6:05:10 UTC 470
791 IX.br Sao Paulo, SP (SP)) São Paulo BR 2022-08-16 6:03:31 UTC 2413
95 Johannesburg Internet Exchange Point (INX) Johannesburg ZA 2025-02-18 15:18:26 UTC 181
937 KUL (DE-CIX Kuala Lumpur) Singapore SG 2025-02-18 15:18:27 UTC 37
349 LINX Manchester (LINX Manchester) Manchester GB 2025-02-18 15:18:31 UTC 129
18 LONAP Network (LONAP Ltd.) London GB 2025-02-18 15:18:28 UTC 292
470 MAD (DE-CIX Madrid) Madrid ES 2025-02-18 15:18:27 UTC 221
938 MAY (DE-CIX Malaysia) Singapore SG 2025-02-18 15:18:27 UTC 19
164 MINAP (Milan Neutral Access Point) Milano IT 2025-02-18 15:18:28 UTC 95
8 MIX-IT (Milan Internet Exchange) Milano IT 2025-02-18 15:18:29 UTC 398
559 MRS (DE-CIX Marseille) Marseilles FR 2025-02-18 15:18:28 UTC 123
54 MUC (DE-CIX Munich) Munich DE 2025-02-18 15:18:28 UTC 226
17 Namex Roma IXP (Namex IXP) Roma IT 2025-02-18 15:18:31 UTC 246
648 NAPAfrica IX Cape Town (NAPAfrica) Cape Towm ZA 2025-02-18 15:18:29 UTC 278
351 NAPAfrica IX Johannesburg (NAPAfrica) Johannesburg ZA 2025-02-18 15:18:29 UTC 582
15 NIX.CZ (NIX.CZ, z.s.p.o.) Praha 3 CZ 2025-02-11 7:01:07 UTC 200
552 NIX.SK (NIX.CZ, z.s.p.o. organizacna zlozka) Praha 3 SK 2025-02-18 15:18:29 UTC 63
27 NL-ix The Hague NL 2025-02-18 15:18:29 UTC 659
769 NL-ix 2 The Hague NL 2024-11-28 11:07:26 UTC 14
394 NSW-IX (IX Australia (Sydney NSW)) Sydney AU 2025-02-17 5:04:59 UTC 214
222 NWAX (NWAX) Portland US 2025-02-08 0:04:26 UTC 108
425 NYC (DE-CIX New York) New York US 2025-02-18 15:18:28 UTC 285
850 OhioIX (Ohio IX) Columbus US 2025-02-18 13:06:32 UTC 59
410 Peering.cz Prague CZ 2023-04-05 9:03:48 UTC 173
266 QIX (Quebec Internet Exchange) Montreal CA 2025-02-18 15:18:28 UTC 88
392 QLD-IX (IX Australia (Brisbane QLD)) Brisbane AU 2025-02-17 5:05:17 UTC 75
391 SA-IX (IX Australia (Adelaide SA)) Adelaide AU 2025-02-17 5:05:22 UTC 37
223 SFMIX (San Francisco Metropolitan Internet Exchange) Fremont US 2025-01-21 18:02:00 UTC 88
371 SGIX (Singapore Internet Exchange) Singapore SG 2025-02-18 15:18:26 UTC 267
148 SIX Seattle (Seattle Internet Exchange (MTU 1500)) Seattle US 2025-02-13 22:00:57 UTC 381
144 STHIX - Stockholm (Stockholm Internet eXchange AB) Stockholm SE 2025-02-18 15:18:29 UTC 98
884 STLIX (Saint Louis Internet Exchange) St. Louis US 2021-09-23 8:12:58 UTC 18
163 TorIX (Toronto Internet Exchange) Toronto CA 2025-02-18 15:18:31 UTC 247
393 VIC-IX (IX Australia (Melbourne VIC)) Melbourne AU 2025-02-17 5:05:26 UTC 106
3 VIX (Vienna Internet Exchange) AT 2022-10-28 14:47:48 UTC 149
108 WA-IX (IX Australia (Perth WA)) Perth AU 2025-02-17 5:05:34 UTC 86
1392 WLG-IX (New Zealand Internet Exchange, Wellington) Wellington NZ 2024-08-23 0:05:42 UTC 20

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